Monday, October 25, 2010


It’s been a while.  I went through a period where I found blogging a burden, another chore.  I’d rather be out there living. 

And live I have.  I went to my annual EEFC music and dance workshop, despite the expense.  In part this was due to the generosity of the EEFC Board of Directors, who asked me to be their guest this year.  Thus the expense was considerably less than it would have otherwise been.  That week refreshes my soul, both because of the music and because of the community.  The “booster shot” happens in NYC in January at the annual Golden Festival.  I have not attended in several years, but this coming year I intend to go if I can figure out how to make it happen. 

I’ve made some additional commitments, as a professional and as a volunteer.  I am actually a little more busy than I’d like to be.  But I wouldn’t give up any one of these gigs, so I stay busy. 

The singing season for Sing To Live is in full swing – I can hardly believe it, but we’re performing our first concerts this coming weekend.  I spend a lot of my time practicing.  I am at my best when the music is almost memorized, so I can relax and focus on watching Wilbert’s direction and communicating to the audience. If there's anyone out there actually reading this, you might want to consider coming to one of our concerts.  These pay tribute to the value of music in our lives; something very important. 

Several people among my friends and relatives are dealing with a serious illness.  It reminds me of just how precious each day is, and how important people are.   It is very difficult to watch their struggles from afar and to feel so helpless.  Not that I’d be much more helpful if I lived in any of the places they are.  Each is the primary combatant in the fight, and we in their communities can only stand on the sidelines and cheer, for the most part.  But I do not know whether to love or hate CaringBridge. 

I am so very fortunate to be part of several groups and communities from which I can draw solace, support, camaraderie and laughter.   I hope I contribute to each one, but I believe I receive far more than I give.  

The job search continues, and I am still single.  But I am not alone, I am healthy, and I am so very lucky in so many ways.  I try never to forget that. 

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